CAMIT is the first telehealth portal in Italy, developed by the MediCOmm project, specialised in cannabinoid therapies. MediCOmm is structured on an innovative database that allows the continuous storage of clinical data acquired in the daily life of each patient, correlating therapeutic choices with the results obtained in order to personalise therapy. This is also in view of the fact that phytocannabinoids (cannabinoids of natural origin) are indicated in the treatment of various morbid states, acting both on the symptomatology and, in many cases, on the causes of the pathologies themselves, with a high margin of safety for the drug.
CAMIT wants to respond to an ever-increasing demand for healthcare, in the face of scarce public and private resources in a social context of economic crisis. We implement, in practice, a new healthcare paradigm that revises the doctor-person relationship from both a human and economic perspective. CAMIT was born from the awareness that the onset of 'disease' is the result of an alteration in the balance of the 'body' system. We are convinced that only the Integrated Approach that focuses on the overall well-being of the Person can and must revolutionise the concept of health.
Based on its mechanism of action, medical cannabis is indicated in the treatment of multiple chronic disease states. Cannabinoids are prescribed on the basis of the indications recognised by Italian law (Lorenzin Decree of November 2015).
The use of phytocannabinoid drugs in the treatment of pain syndromes is widely recognised in scientific literature. The rationale for their use is based on an absolutely advantageous risk/benefit ratio, especially for patients who have to cope with chronic analgesic therapies (neurological, rheumatological, oncological, fibromyalgia patients, etc.). Long-term intake of phytocannabinoids is not associated with a risk of addiction to psychoactive substances. Moreover, during chronic therapies, there is a reduction in the intensity of psychotropic side effects. Therapeutic cannabis is therefore one of the best commercially available drugs for pain control. The effect of phytocannabinoids depends on the interactions of these molecules with multiple neuronal circuits, which are responsible for the perception of the pain stimulus at the peripheral level and the modulation of pain at the central level. Medical cannabis therapy is customised according to the needs and clinical results of the individual patient, through a continuous exchange of information, through which the physician can direct the therapeutic choices and share them with the patient.
Rheumatoid arthritis
Crohn's disease
Rectum Ulcerative Colitis
Rheumatic and autoimmune diseases are characterised by clinical pictures expressing an abnormal localised or systemic inflammatory response.
In fact, these diseases recognise common biomolecular and cell-mediated mechanisms of (uncontrolled) inflammation, the cause of structural alterations and the resulting symptomatology.
In view of the pathophysiology of this group of diseases, the treatment of patients with rheumatic diseases (among which fibromyalgia is also included), is aimed not only at improving clinical symptoms, obtained thanks to the pain-relieving properties of cannabinoids, but also, and above all, at the interference of phytocannabinoids with the pathogenetic mechanisms of these diseases, i.e. those alterations that cause the constant activation of the immune system.
The intervention strategy, therefore, must take into account the timing with which these two mechanisms come into play.
While the direct analgesic action is in fact determined from the very first administration, the anti-inflammatory effect reaches clinically appreciable levels more slowly (there is generally an improvement in the biohumoral indices of inflammation one month after starting therapy).
Medical cannabis therapy is customised according to the needs and clinical results of the individual patient, through a continuous exchange of information, through which the physician can direct the therapeutic choices and share them with the patient.
Multiple Sclerosis
Alzheimer's disease
Parkinson's disease
The use of cannabinoids in the neurological field is based on their mechanism of action and interaction with complex neuronal and immune mechanisms.
Based on data from the international scientific literature, the neurological diseases that can be treated with medical cannabis are: neurodegenerative diseases (such as Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease), ischemic (TIA, stroke) and traumatic diseases (brain and spinal cord trauma), and functional diseases (epilepsy, Tourette's syndrome, Autism/Hyperactivity syndrome, behaviour disorders).
In view of the central role played by glial cells, as brain-resident immune cells, it can be understood how the immunomodulatory and neuroprotective action carried out by cannabinoids underlies the improved performance status of patients suffering from neurological and neurodegenerative diseases.
In all chronic neurological pictures we find:
Activation of the immune tissue within the nervous system;
Reduction of Endocannabinoid System function.
Medical cannabis therapy is customised according to the needs and clinical results of the individual patient, through a continuous exchange of information, through which the physician can direct the therapeutic choices and share them with the patient.
Drug-resistant epilepsy
Autism/hyperactivity disorder
Malformative disorders
Neonatal problems
Medical cannabis is a drug with a very high margin of safety (there is no known lethal dose and the toxic dose is too high to be found, hence taken).
In particular, CBD (Cannabidiol), a key molecule in paediatric therapies, is free of side effects.
For this reason, even before its efficacy, cannabis must be considered a fundamental therapeutic aid, in compliance with the ethical and deontological principles of good clinical practice.
Paediatric fields of application include:
Drug-resistant epilepsy;
Autism/hyperactivity disorder;
Outcomes of malformative/neonatal pathologies
The objectives of a paediatric cannabic therapy are to improve the overall quality of life, through a pathway of personalised therapy that is constantly carried out together with the parents, the main actors of the therapeutic act.