The action of Tskaltubo mineral water on the living body is various.
In diseases of the musculoskeletal system:
Taking radon procedures leads to reduction of inflammatory processes and increase of flexibility in damaged joints, reduction of pain syndrome.
In cardiovascular diseases:
Radonotherapy leads to improved nutrition of the heart muscle, normalization of arterial pressure (reduction in hypertension and increase in hypotonia), rarefaction of the pulse.
In diseases of the nervous system:
Radon procedures are characterized by pronounced pain-relieving action. Taking radon improves the course of inflammatory processes in the nerve, accelerates the regeneration of nerve tissue. Radon has a pronounced sedative effect on the central nervous system.
In diseases of the female genital area:
radonotherapy leads to improvement of blood circulation of small pelvic organs, increase of skin sensitivity threshold, significant anti-inflammatory and analgesic (pain-relieving) effect.
In urological diseases:
Anti-inflammatory, analgesic, bacteriostatic (stopping the growth of bacteria) spasmolytic action comes first in urological diseases.
Radon has a normalizing effect on basic (protein), carbohydrate, mineral, cholesterol and water metabolism in the body.
The body's specific reactivity (allergy) decreases and non-specific reactivity (immunity) increases.
Radon baths accelerate skin epithelization during burns.
The duration of the therapeutic effect from taking radon depends on the form of the disease, its stage and the state of the body. It begins during the course of treatment, reaches its maximum after 1.5-2 months and lasts from half a year to a year and a half.